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Re: [glob2-devel] revisiting unit conversion (and how overpowered it is)

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] revisiting unit conversion (and how overpowered it is)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 18:49:29 -0400

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 6:13 PM, Bradley Arsenault <address@hidden> wrote:
Your new proposal would mean that you can't force a conversion on an enemy. Heres a concept that will be far easier to control to get just the right level of conversion, rather than algorithmic changes.

Currently, the happiness an inn can provides is a function only of the fruit it has within. Thus, a unit chooses the closest Inn for every team and converts based on which has the largest happiness.

All we have to do to modify the level of conversion is to give units a "loyalty" factor, rather than make them entirely hedonistic and always willing to convert to get more happiness. Basically, the local team's happiness level is multiplied by this 'loyalty' factor, which we'd have to determine through experimentation. This gives units a bias to stay on the current team, and we can easily control the amount of bias until we get the right level of conversion.

Add to that that distance could also be considered a factor in 'potential happiness', and the level of the inn.

Extra cheese comes at a cost. Bradley Arsenault.
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