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Re: [glob2-devel] Beta 4 Release Candidate

From: Leo Wandersleb
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Beta 4 Release Candidate
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 10:01:32 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080505)


steph you proposed to base the sounds on the center of the screen. <dreaming>how about we base the sound on the cursor using when moving it?</dreaming> i guess it would be great to give a feel of distance of sounds but i would want to have no fall off for events on the screen as the player sees they are all at the same distance to his ears. on the other hand if we can't play many events i would prefere to have some kind of fall off for the sake of atmosphere it gives so i would vote to do the center-of-the-screen based approach.

By reading the SoundFX page, I got the feeling that maybe the sound mixer should be aware of the types of sound, to prevent one type of sound of overloading all others.

I propose the following "audio tracks":

Play if possible (drop sounds if track currently full)
- harvest track
- construction track
- upgrade track
- fight track
- not enough "inn/hospital/..." track
- conversion track (positive/negative) conversions
- other events track
Some of the sounds are ambient ones. here i would agree on not mixing 20 fight-sounds while dropping work-sounds. information sounds (need schools/hospitals ...) on the other hand should not be dropped but queued. how many sounds are realistic?? if we post-process them like proposed we can have distance and stereo information in them but we can't have sound files that have for example 5 warriors preprocessed into one file as this would only work for 5 events at the same distance and direction.

we could really use Doppler for example for moving sources of sound (explorers magic attack, units crying for medics).

i would distribute ogg and decompress at install time.

... gives the option to ogg2wav the newly selected language only.
... will be an issue as it will be even harder to get|cn|*.wav than the textual translations.


Leo Wandersleb

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