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Re: [glob2-devel] Re: Full Nicowar behaviour assessment

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Re: Full Nicowar behaviour assessment
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 09:17:38 -0800

On 2/9/06, Martin Voelkle <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Point is, asside from farming (which Nicowar can do if i enabled it),
> > what other things could i have nicowar do and check for to make it
> > handle food better?
> In this case, I'd have cleared the forest surrounding the fields.
> You should keep an eye on the state of the fields compared to your
> consumption and do something like reducing/stopping unit creation or
> reducing inn workers (put some inns at 0) in order to reduce the
> population (seems barbarian, but globs don't die of old age).
> Please note that these ideas are not meant to be used in real-life situations.
> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> glob2-devel mailing list
> address@hidden

Not a bad idea, but If you don't mind, I would like to discuss how
that could be done. This is almost exactly what troubles me, I would
love to have Nicowar clear wood to let wheat grow, but how shoult it
decide when it needs to clear wood, and what wood to clear, and where
exactly it should place the clearing flag in order to provide maximum
clearence (that one is simple).

It might be possible via a nearest group check, find the closest body
of wheat with minimum size N, see if there are any adjcacent bodies of
wood, if so, clear that body. But to think, how would i decide what
body is nearest? It is in nicowars sole strategy to spread out, and
try to take up as much room as nesseccary to sustain its population.

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