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Re: Path problems.

From: kai . grossjohann
Subject: Re: Path problems.
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 22:13:48 +0200 (MEST)

> On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 18:43, address@hidden wrote: 
> However, I am still left with this little, uncolored prompt, that I 
> can't get tramp to swallow: 
> [~] 
> Just a couple of brackets and a tilde.  I tried to set this in the 
> shell-prompt-pattern as well, but couldn't hack it. :,(   
Well, aside from the obvious idea of making it even simpler, the following
regexp should match this: "\\[~\\]"  
You could try with M-: (re-search-forward "your.regexp") RET in a buffer
that contains the prompt.  Then you 
can see how your regexp is doing and it's easy to fix it. 
I don't currently have access to Tramp, as I'm in the process of setting up
this machine, and it's a slow 

I just moved and started a new job.  Without Internet access
in my new home, response times will be high :-(

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