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Path problems.

From: Lars Bungum
Subject: Path problems.
Date: 12 Sep 2003 15:40:12 +0200


I'm very happy with using Tramp, and have been using it for a time now. 
But now I realized that I've been jumping ovre a problem that should be
possible to Fix, but I wasn't able to anyway.  What I have to do to get
it working, is to set another bash path than my default, because I am
not able to set the tramp-shell-prompt-pattern properly.  

This is how I set my path in Bash:

PS1=$'\u\$\h \[\e[1;35m\][\[\e[0m\]\w\[\e[1;35m\]]\[\e[0m\] '

How can I set the tramp-shell-prompt-pattern variable in accordance with
this?  Is there anyway I can echo the value on the server that should be
used in the variable?  


Lars Bungum                            <address@hidden> <OpenPGP: E2C5C0A2>
Copyleft Software AS

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