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Re: module cleanup [3/n]

From: Gary V. Vaughan
Subject: Re: module cleanup [3/n]
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 22:44:31 +0100

Hi Eric,

On Sep 7, 2007, at 11:38 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
According to Eric Blake on 9/6/2007 4:56 PM:
- Module ref-counting is screwy. The current unload code assumes that builtins associated with a module must only be unloaded once the module refcount is at one and will be dropping to 0. But that's a bit presumptuous, since the libltdl ref-count could include 3rd party loads of the same module that should have no impact to our symbol table. Also, we weren't decreasing the ref-count of resident modules, which meant that symbols from such a module weren't always
being removed from the symbol table at the right time

- Speaking of refcounts, the m4modules builtin only shows a module once, even if it has been loaded multiple times. Maybe it is worth adding another builtin to the load module that can query the current refcount of a given module name?

This adds a refcount builtin to the load module. I still think it is a
bit odd that importing helper symbols from an m4 library affects the
symbol table, but didn't see an easy way to fix it as part of this patch.

I'm not sure I understand you. Could you explain what you mean by 'helper symbol',
and what 'symbol table' you are referring to?

$ m4 -m load
unload(`m4')refcount(`m4') dnl no longer in table
0 dnl no longer in table


refcount(`m4') dnl esyscmd imports from m4 module, reloading macros

I see no reason to add another arbitrary builtin, where m4modules itself can easily be extended to provide sufficient functionality. Let's revert this, and
instead have m4modules list the stack of loaded modules.

- If we add symbol caching, then it becomes trivial to store information associated with a builtin (back to my original thought of adding the ability to trace a builtin regardless of the name it is invoked by); without a cache, there is no convenient place to do per-builtin tracking since we can't
necessarily write into the memory owned by a module

Not quite symbol caching, but I did speed up the lt_dlinterface_id filter. The idea is that if we have ever associated a non-NULL m4_module* with a
given lt_dlhandle, then we have previously determined that the handle
meets our needs, so we need not waste time with further lt_dlsym calls to
check that point.


Index: m4/m4private.h
RCS file: /sources/m4/m4/m4/m4private.h,v
retrieving revision 1.83
diff -u -p -r1.83 m4private.h
--- m4/m4private.h      6 Sep 2007 22:58:26 -0000       1.83
+++ m4/m4private.h      7 Sep 2007 22:32:35 -0000
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ struct m4 {
 struct m4_module
   lt_dlhandle  handle;         /* ltdl module information.  */
+  int          refcount;       /* count of loads not matched by unload.  */
   /* TODO: add struct members, such as copy of builtins (so that we
      can store additional information about builtins, and so that the
      list isn't changed by the module behind our backs once we have
@@ -161,6 +162,11 @@ extern void            m4__module_exit (m4 *con
 extern m4_module *  m4__module_next (m4_module *);
 extern m4_module *  m4__module_find (const char *name);

+/* Fast macro versions of symbol table accessor functions, that also
+   have an identically named function exported in m4module.h.  */
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+# define m4_module_refcount(M) ((M)->refcount)

If we were to keep the refcount builting, libltdl tracks it for us, so there is no need to duplicate that code again. The libltdl refcount is retrieved with:


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