On 4/23/08, Leo Wandersleb <
address@hidden> wrote:
> hi *
> just a thought:
> wouldn't it make sense to unify yog and lan technically?
> the yog-button connects to the one predefined IP of
globuilation2.org while
> LAN->connect asks for an IP. LAN->host launches exactly what we have running
> at
> our server including a ladder with some options (speedladder, registered
> users,
> serverpassword, allow client maps, ...)
> I'm thinking of what we had in the good old days: lan-parties with 5..2500
> guys
> carrying their PCs to one location and play there for some days. Having
> stats
> was important there ;)
> But I'm also thinking of being really open. The proposed way it would be no
> work
> at all for people to launch alternative servers. If we shift the hard-coded
> main
> ip to a config file you could even permanently use a different server
> without
> needing to recompile.
> Opinions?
> Leo Wandersleb