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Re: [glob2-devel] unify lan and yog

From: Kieran P
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] unify lan and yog
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 15:13:26 +1200


If I remember correctly, the ip and ports cannot be moved into a config file anyway.

If thats still the case, dont read on. However, if through changes that have been made, this is now an option, half (that is, in some aspects) merging LAN into YOG via a Connection Settings tab might be handy (most games have this tab/settings dialog!), solely for the purpose of large groups, or for players in different regions of the world.

For large groups, it would allow people to start up their own YOG server (-daemon) locally, without the need for the current YOG server in the USA, while still maintaining the grouping of games and players in the YOG interface, by having everyone connect to the local ip and port server. The result: Lightning fast games (wont have to go to the USA), and far better organization than the LAN game screen.

For small groups, the current system wouldn't change much. We could maintain the current LAN system so its as simple as host, join, play. The connections settings for localised lan servers are mainly for those who perhaps have low bandwidth, low connection speed, or large groups.

Anyway, just my thoughts.


On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Bradley Arsenault <address@hidden> wrote:
LAN and YOG are already merged. Our entire LAN system is about 5 extra
lines of code (not including the GUI and LAN broadcasting). The game
internally runs a special YOG server that only has one game and
doesn't need passwords, these are called "Policies" in YOGConsts.h.

In the case of a 2500 person LAN party, clearly you would run a full
fledged server and everyone would connect to that. The LAN menu
itself, in Glob2, should reflect the same menus in commercial games,
rather than making it obvious your running a full fledged YOG server.

On 4/23/08, Leo Wandersleb <address@hidden> wrote:
> hi *
> just a thought:
> wouldn't it make sense to unify yog and lan technically?
> the yog-button connects to the one predefined IP of while
> LAN->connect asks for an IP. LAN->host launches exactly what we have running
> at
> our server including a ladder with some options (speedladder, registered
> users,
> serverpassword, allow client maps, ...)
> I'm thinking of what we had in the good old days: lan-parties with 5..2500
> guys
> carrying their PCs to one location and play there for some days. Having
> stats
> was important there ;)
> But I'm also thinking of being really open. The proposed way it would be no
> work
> at all for people to launch alternative servers. If we shift the hard-coded
> main
> ip to a config file you could even permanently use a different server
> without
> needing to recompile.
> Opinions?
> Leo Wandersleb

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