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Re: [glob2-devel] Beta 3 soft released

From: Kieran P
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Beta 3 soft released
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 14:16:13 +1200

Hey Bradley,

I never said undo the release. If a serious bug were found (or in the case of a recent ML post, a fix for GCC compiling), then it would be fixed in the beta3 branch, and the source and windows packages recompiled and re-uploaded over the existing ones.

When the packages contain no more bugs found soon after downloading the source (so nothing in compiling, loading, playing, YOG etc), trackbacks would be updated (packages already uploaded would be valid). I think this approach is the best way to go. It cuts the serious bugs that people might find from ~5000 downloads to under ~500 downloads over a week after a release (those are rough figures, I'd have to check Google Analytics to see what the figures were when we last released).

Packagers haven't been notified yet. I will around Wednesday next week.


On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 7:57 AM, Bradley Arsenault <address@hidden> wrote:
Its a very bad idea to undo a relase. The release is permamanent now,
and the code for Beta 3 is now frozen. The only thing your idea can be
used for is to get packages made. I hope you have contacted all of the
major linux distributions to get packages made asap.

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