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Re: [glob2-devel] RE: glob2-devel Digest, Vol 64, Issue 13

From: Leo Wandersleb
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] RE: glob2-devel Digest, Vol 64, Issue 13
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 16:12:46 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

Hi List,

Alex Illingworth schrieb:
And as they get hungrier and more willing to convert, they could turn more and more grey. Essentially, being less and less on your team.
That sounds interesting. As you all know I'm not in favor of removing fruits as they are now, but giving the player a visual feedback of how the situation is, sounds nice.

When globs turn hungry at x%
now we have: -> pick an inn within range following the fruit-rules.
possible change: -> if the fruitiest inn is hostile, wait and turn gray. -> if at y% (completely gray) there still was no free table at a friendly inn, convert.

apropos "friendly inn" ... how should we deal with friendly inns? Options are: Units can
always choose among all friendly inns without conversion.
rather convert to friendly than to hostile.
only convert to hostile (i guess that's how it's now)

hospitals and upgrade buildings also should be open to all friendly units. to not disturb this friendly society, things could be set up so that friendly globs can not use buildings last slot. buildings running at their capacity would not get used by foreign units.

how would the compensation look like? if 10 of my globs ate at foreign inns, they should somehow organize 10 wheat for those inns. why are hospitals free? globs consist of water, don't they? so healing should cost one water.


Leo Wandersleb

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