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Re: [glob2-devel] Music

From: Max Shinn
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Music
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:08:28 -0600
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6 (enterprise 0.20070907.709405)

What is the concensus so far?  I would really like to write more music, but I 
don't know how I should do that.

I still like my idea of a hybrid system.  We would be able to keep the current 
functionality, because it sounds cool on most of the mood changes.  But then, 
for the mood changes where completely different sounding music has to be 
written, we have it break at certain spots in the song.  This would give us 
more flexibility when implementing more ambiances, because we could choose 
which one it would fit better with, and make the system less limiting.

Let me know what you think!

On Monday 11 February 2008 4:07:54 pm Leo Wandersleb wrote:
> Stéphane Magnenat wrote:
> > I hope that Leo does not pay Bradley to *remove* features!
> Feature completeness is not a basic precondition from my point of view.
> Still it is more important to me the community agrees on the development
> than to decide on my own. My suggestions are all public and if people
> oppose I leave it to discussion before any effort is taken in implementing
> my ideas.
> Although I respect the effort taken by others I see it as the nature of
> FOSS that nobody can dictate the changes to be or not to be made to his
> work.
> Still I was alarmed when I read about "good chance that this system is
> history soon" about a system that I know Stephane is very proud of.
> You all know I'm not the music guy. I see a great need for a sound system.
> What I don't see is the need to break this functionality. For the given
> reasons we should talk about changing the transitions from one mood to the
> other but I also vote to not removing this feature.
> Greetings,
> Leo Wandersleb
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