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Re: [glob2-devel] teleporters

From: Leo Wandersleb
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] teleporters
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 21:48:54 +0100
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20061220)

from the 2 answers and own reflections i now think version 2 is better:
*choice who can enter (workers only/warriors only/one way/limited throughput)
*no tweak on the gradient (but on path finding)

the exit node behaves like a building with n units inside that want to exit. 
only if the node is completely surrounded by res an alternative node will be 
chosen but i would rather like to see paved areas ( ) surrounding the TPs.

Greetings, Leo Wandersleb

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