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Re: [glob2-devel] The widget system

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] The widget system
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 15:58:38 -0800

On 3/17/06, Stéphane Magnenat <address@hidden> wrote:
> Bradley Arsenault a écrit :
> > On 3/16/06, Stéphane Magnenat <address@hidden> wrote:
> >> What do you mean exactly by stateless ? If that is that the language has no
> >> runtime information, that's not true. It has program counter, jump table, 
> >> and
> >> map area that are thread states.
> >
> > You can't store information. The script has no way of storing data for
> > later use. No variables. The entire engine relies on in-game
> > variables, thus making it stateless.
> No, that is not true. Although there is no general purprose variable,
> there is a table of areas (rectangles) that are indeed script variables.
> We could add variables, but what would be their pruprose? I think that
> on a short term SGSL can evolve to fit our needs.
> Steph
> _______________________________________________
> glob2-devel mailing list
> address@hidden

Variables are almost a nesseccity to a script. Rather then just
"living with what you got", providing variables allows a new level of
usage. Storing whether the user did or did not do something, being
able to compare past unit counts with current ones, it all has an
effect. Rather than just living with the limits, you can take
advantage of what is out there, use open source libraries that
allready exist rather than making a second rate language for
ourselves. Not only do you save time and effort (especially
debugging), you get the extra flexibility, and the language is easier
to use, not only being that it just feels more proffessional.

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