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[glob2-devel] About gameplay chanegs in alpha15

From: Stephane Magnenat
Subject: [glob2-devel] About gameplay chanegs in alpha15
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 14:14:21 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.8


Alpha15 introduces several new gameplay changes. We (the core developers) do 
not (always) have time to update the documentation. So it would be nice if 
the community could help. I will summary here the gameplay changes:

* Before, when any unit was free and had some damage, it went to heal. Now it 
waits for more than 10% damages. This helps for explorers smoothness.

* Before, unit heal time was constant. Now it depends on the amount of its 

* Explorers can now attack explorers. They first do 8 damages, but they can 
gain experience the same way warrior can. When they have passed through a 
level 3 school, they can attack ground. The initial attack force is 8 
damages, and they can also gain experience. The difference with warrior here 
is that if the target armor is bigger then the damages, the target is left 
untouched and no experience is gained.

* Shift v key enable/disable voice chat. v key alone only enables it while 

* The information about current graphic configuration is displayed in the menu 
screen in game.

* The gameplay got tuned.

The rest are bug fix. Expect a bigger number of machine which can run 
glob2 :-)

Thanks, have fun,



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