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Cannot execute encoding commands

From: Eric Knauel
Subject: Cannot execute encoding commands
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 12:19:36 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090017 (Oort Gnus v0.17) XEmacs/21.4 (Portable Code, darwin)

I'm trying to use tramp (version "$Id: tramp.el,v 2.95 2002/04/10
17:16:25 kaig Exp $") to connect to a FreeBSD 4.6.2 machine using the
"su" (ssh + uuencode) method. This fails, because tramp can not
execute de/encoding commands -- which is strange, since uuencode in
the PATH on the local and remote machine (/usr/bin). I couldn't figure
out what tramp is trying do here and why it raises this error. Judging
from the Lisp backtrace, it doesn't seem to run uuencode at all:

| Signaling: (error "Remote host cannot execute de/encoding commands.  See 
buffer `*tramp/su address@hidden' for details")
|   signal(error ("Remote host cannot execute de/encoding commands.  See buffer 
`*tramp/su address@hidden' for details"))
|   cerror("Remote host cannot execute de/encoding commands.  See buffer `%s' 
for details" "*tramp/su address@hidden")
|   apply(cerror "Remote host cannot execute de/encoding commands.  See buffer 
`%s' for details" "*tramp/su address@hidden")
|   error("Remote host cannot execute de/encoding commands.  See buffer `%s' 
for details" "*tramp/su address@hidden")
|   tramp-post-connection(nil "su" "root" "aubisque")
|   tramp-open-connection-rsh(nil "su" "root" "aubisque")
|   tramp-maybe-open-connection(nil "su" "root" "aubisque")
|   tramp-send-command(nil "su" "root" "aubisque" "( test -d / 2>/dev/null; 
echo tramp_exit_status $? )")
|   tramp-send-command-and-check(nil "su" "root" "aubisque" "test -d /" t)
|   tramp-handle-file-directory-p("/[su/address@hidden/")
|   apply(tramp-handle-file-directory-p "/[su/address@hidden/")
|   tramp-file-name-handler(file-directory-p "/[su/address@hidden/")
|   file-directory-p("/[su/address@hidden/")
|   apply(file-directory-p "/[su/address@hidden/")
|   dired-handler-fn(file-directory-p "/[su/address@hidden/")
|   file-directory-p("/[su/address@hidden/")
|   find-file-noselect("/address@hidden/")
|   find-file("/address@hidden/" nil)
|   call-interactively(find-file)

Unfortunately, the buffer doesn't contain more details:

,----[ *tramp/su address@hidden ]
| Process *tramp/su address@hidden killed

Here is my setup:

,----[ ~/.xemacs/init.el ]
| (let ((tramp-dir (expand-file-name "~/.xemacs/lisp/tramp")))
|   (if (file-accessible-directory-p tramp-dir)
|       (progn
|       (setq load-path (cons tramp-dir load-path))
|       (require 'tramp))))
| (setq tramp-verbose 10
|       tramp-debug-buffer t
|       tramp-default-method "su"
|       shell-prompt-pattern "\\(#\\|\]\\) $")

Now I'm really confused! ;-)

"Excuse me --- Di Du Du Duuuuh Di Dii --- Huh Weeeheeee" (Albert King)

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