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[Savannah-cvs] administration/infra savannah.el

From: Elfyn McBratney
Subject: [Savannah-cvs] administration/infra savannah.el
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 18:04:35 -0400

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/administration
Module name:    administration
Changes by:     Elfyn McBratney <address@hidden>        04/07/28 22:01:10

Modified files:
        infra          : savannah.el 

Log message:
        Rename sv-closing to sv-closing-reply; re-instate old sv-closing as


Index: administration/infra/savannah.el
diff -u administration/infra/savannah.el:1.9 
--- administration/infra/savannah.el:1.9        Wed Jul 28 21:20:57 2004
+++ administration/infra/savannah.el    Wed Jul 28 22:01:10 2004
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 ;;   the changes that Paul A. Crable suggested and added the sections
 ;;   about the LGPL.
-;; $Id: savannah.el,v 1.9 2004/07/28 21:20:57 beu Exp $
+;; $Id: savannah.el,v 1.10 2004/07/28 22:01:10 beu Exp $
@@ -65,25 +65,25 @@
   (message "Inserted \(savannah.el\)")
-;;(defun sv-closing ()
-;;  (interactive)
-;;  "End of the message"
-;;  (insert "Please register your project once more with the changes
-;;mentioned above.  
-;;We cannot track projects that have been answered but not approved, so
-;;we must ask you to register the project whenever you change the
-;;registration. Make sure to apply all changes so you need to reregister
-;;only once.
-;;The re-registration URL found in our acknowledgement of your earlier
-;;registration will direct you to the proper location.
-;;  (message "Inserted \(savannah.el\)")
-;;  )
+(defun sv-closing-resubmit ()
+  (interactive)
+  "End of the message"
+  (insert "Please register your project once more with the changes
+mentioned above.  
+We cannot track projects that have been answered but not approved, so
+we must ask you to register the project whenever you change the
+registration. Make sure to apply all changes so you need to reregister
+only once.
+The re-registration URL found in our acknowledgement of your earlier
+registration will direct you to the proper location.
+  (message "Inserted \(savannah.el\)")
+  )
-(defun sv-closing ()
+(defun sv-closing-reply ()
   "End of the message"
   (insert "If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please 

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