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Re: Alternate termination sequence option --term-seq

From: Ole Tange
Subject: Re: Alternate termination sequence option --term-seq
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 21:32:19 +0200

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 2:07 PM, Rasmus Villemoes <> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 29 2015, Ole Tange <> wrote:
>> This still has the risk of killing an innocent PID and its children.
> Killing (in the sense of sending any signal whatsoever) an
> innocent/unrelated PID is completely unacceptable, IMO. On a reasonably
> busy system, PID reuse within 10 seconds is far from unlikely.

On my system this gives PID reuse after 3.1 secs, but that is a very
extreme case, and I will accept if GNU Parallel deals wrongly with that case:

perl -e 'while(1) { $a=(fork()|| exit); if(not $a %1000) {print "$a\n";}  } '

> Mapping
> the tree even before signalling the immediate children is not enough;
> some of the grand^nchildren may vanish in the meantime and their PIDs
> reused before one can use the gathered information.

I doubt that is true in practice. Mapping takes less than 100 ms, so I
would find it very unlikely that the PID will be reused that fast. I
understand that this could in theory happen, but I would like to see
this demonstrated before I consider this a real problem.

Since GNU Parallel will be sleeping (and not doing anything else) we
could simply kill 0 all the (grand*)children every second and compute
the family tree of the current children. If the child dies, remove the
child from the list to be killed later.

for $signal (@the_signals) {
  kill $signal, @job_pids;
  $sleep_time = shift @sleep_times;
  $time_slept = 0;
  while($time_slept < $sleep_time and @children) {
    @children = family_tree(grep { kill( 0, $_) } @children);
    sleep $a_while;
    $time_slept += $a_while;
kill KILL, @children;

Rasmus: Can you find a situation in which the above will fail?

> I think the only way to do this right is for GNU Parallel to make each
> immediate child a process group leader (setpgrp 0,0 immediately after
> fork).

GNU Parallel uses open3 to spawn children. According to strace -ff
that does not do a setpgrp.

> Do note that one can never clean up all descendants that may have been
> spawned: A dance consisting of double fork() and some setpgid/setsid
> yoga will create a process which cannot be tied to GNU Parallel or any
> of its immediate children. So one has to rely on the children not doing
> such things.

Yes. GNU Parallel should do the right thing in most cases and not
cause a problem in the rest.


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