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Re: [Openexr-devel] Multipart backward compatibility?

From: Dalai Felinto
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Multipart backward compatibility?
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:03:10 +0200

Hi Gonzalo,

> This beats the purpose of multipart files. The idea of multipart files is 
> that it gives you fast random access to any layer. It is used in stereo but 
> not only in stereo.

Yup, and yet this (singlepart) is the default we get out of
exrmultiview and what all the openexr-images sample files use. I know
multipart is not something exclusive to multiview, but the docs seemed
to indicate multipart as the preferable approach for multiview files.

Given that multipart also provides a faster access I would rather
favour it over singlepart, but backward incompatibility may be a no
go. (thus the email to get a clear picture of that).



2014-09-12 16:34 GMT+02:00 Gonzalo Garramuno <address@hidden>:
> On 12/09/14 07:58, Dalai Felinto wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm working in supporting a multiview pipeline in Blender, and part of
>> this involves supporting OpenEXR multiview format. I'm currently
>> wondering what is the best option to save the images with the most
>> backward compatibility.
>> At first I considered dumping the data in a single-part file:
>> R
>> G
>> B
>> A
>> right.R
>> right.G
>> right.B
>> right.A
> This beats the purpose of multipart files.  The idea of multipart files is
> that it gives you fast random access to any layer. It is used in stereo but
> not only in stereo.

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