I'm am developing a tool using OpenEXR. I use the
MultiPartOutputFile API because I will eventually support
multi-part files. As an initial test, I tried writing a single
part file with the multi-part API. I didn't want to implement
two different interfaces, so I didn't use the single-part API.
In the function
GenericOutputFile::writeMagicNumberAndVersionField, called by
the constructor of MultiPartOutputFile, a special check is
made for (parts == 1). If it's the case (it was for me),
headers[0].type() is called. Unlike the other types of files,
MultiPartOutputFile does not set the file type to
SCANLINEIMAGE. As a result, the attribute is not set, and
causes a crash.
A workaround consists of manually calling
SetType(SCANLINEIMAGE) after creating the header. However, to
avoid that someone get into the same issue, I suggest that
MultiPartOutputFile should be set to SCANLINEIMAGE by default,
like it's the case for the other API.