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Re: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR version compatibility

From: Drew Hess
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR version compatibility
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 11:40:20 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.4 (Security Through Obscurity, linux)

Did you compile the 1.0.5 with the gcc 2.96 that comes with RedHat
7.2?  (Geeze, that's a lot of version numbers in one sentence....)

Piotr Stanczyk <address@hidden> writes:

> this is mainly on rh72, though similar issues on fedora core 1. I've
> attached the offending file.
> If we pass this through a tool that simply reads the data and writes
> it out again with a different compression scheme, linked against
> 1.0.5, the file is then consistent across all versions.
> Can you replicate the errors at your end?
> Thanks,
> Piotr
> On 21 Mar 2005, at 18:49, Drew Hess wrote:
>> We haven't seen that, nor has anybody else reported it.  Files written
>> by previous versions of OpenEXR should always be readable by later
>> versions (except for tiled files written by the development versions
>> 1.1.0 and 1.1.1, those are unsupported because we changed the tiled
>> format before officially releasing it).
>> On what platform is this?  Can you send me one of the example images
>> that demonstrates the problem?
>> thanks
>> d
>> Piotr Stanczyk <address@hidden> writes:
>>> Hi All,
>>> We have recently been having more and more problems with reading
>>> OpenExr files that have been generated with application linked against
>>> 1.0.5 and processing these files with applications linked against
>>> 1.2.1.
>>> In particular, this is characterised by apparent pixel noise in the
>>> bottom of the image and, so far, only occurs when used in conjunction
>>> with the piz compression scheme.  Sometimes there are no errors
>>> reported when reading these file, at other times messages relating to
>>> the Huffman encoding crop up.
>>> Am I correct in thinking that I should be safe in doing this? there is
>>> a file version attribute but it has not changed  across these
>>> versions.
>>> Anyone had similar experiences of this?
>>> Many thanks
>>> Piotr
>>> BTW  I managed to grab some some example images in the middle of our
>>> pipeline that demonstrate this quite well.
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>>> Openexr-devel mailing list
>>> address@hidden

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