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[Openexr-devel] undefined symbol link error

From: Scott Frankel
Subject: [Openexr-devel] undefined symbol link error
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 21:20:32 -0700

I'm having trouble compiling/linking one of the OpenEXR test programs.
I get this error msg: "ld: Undefined symbols." (Full error msg printed

I downloaded the OpenEXR-1.0.6 tar ball and compiled it from
source using the "--enable-shared=off" config option. As root, I
installed the lib.*.a and *.la files in /usr/local/lib. Not knowing any
better, I added each of the lib* and exr header files to my project
explicitly. (I've since seen that it's possible to reference them via
the target's attributes.) Nonetheless, the compiler output looks like
it's finding them.

I've got one cpp file in my project, main. It differs very little from the
example main.cpp file supplied in the OpenEXR dmg. I've copied the
two "*Examples.h" header files to the current directory.

This is all on a single proc G4 running OSX v10.2.6. The project is
built in ProjectBuilder v2.1. The only change I made to the project's
target Linker Settings was turning "Prebind" off.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

[ PB output, including error msg ]

Building target “multTEST” with build style “Development” (optimization:level ‘0’, debug-symbols:on) — (1 error)
/usr/bin/g++3 -o /multTEST/build/multTEST "-L/multTEST/build" "-F/multTEST/build" -filelist /multTEST/build/ "-arch" "ppc" "-Wl,-no_arch_warnings" "-lstdc++" "-lHalf" "-lIex" "-lIlmImf" "-lImath"
ld: Undefined symbols:
ld: Undefined symbols:

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