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[Lynx-dev] Feature request

From: dan d.
Subject: [Lynx-dev] Feature request
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 19:23:17 -0400 (EDT)

The cmd_log and cmd_scripts options allow recording at startup either a series 
of key commands or playing them back respectively at startup.
I use this method to play a different series of commands by stipulating which 
cmd_scripts file to play at startup to perform different

It would be great if we had a key command to play the recorded key commands 
while in any lynx session, not just at startup.  Even better if on
command a list of such lynx macros would applear like a bookmark list.  Then 
one could choose among the series of commands to repeat one of
them as needed during a lynx session.

Thanks. -- ent- XR

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