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Re: [Lynx-dev] Google vs redirection limit [was Re: what controls the re

From: Karen Lewellen
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] Google vs redirection limit [was Re: what controls the redirect limit?]
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2021 03:32:23 -0400 (EDT)

I admit to getting all excited when this came through, as I have one gmail account I can no longer reach due to the demand that JavaScript be in place.
None of these impacted that error.
Still, since my own redirect issues are not happening with a gmail account, but with the email tied to my site, this is likely not a solution for me generally. Yes when i reach the infusionsoft marketing tools creating them for me, I am moving forward, at least until I reach redirect number 10. Here is hoping I can charm our administrator to edit the redirect limit, helps all of those at shellworld that way.

On Thu, 9 Sep 2021, Bela Lubkin wrote:

mouse@Rodents-Montreal.ORG wrote:

302 to
302 to
302 to
302 to

For those without the ability to change Lynx source or the redirect
limit, another approach would be to start your session further into the
redirect chain.

Save a bookmark to one of the above.  I would suggest the 2nd one --

-- as this is completely generic.  (It opens 'the 0th mailbox' of
whatever Google accounts are currently logged in via cookies, or
whatever mechanism it uses.  For many users, this is the only account.
If you're typically logged into multiple Google users at once, you
could potentially also want, etc.

The subsequent one with 'ui=html&zy=g' is probably also good.  'ui=html'
is pretty obvious, probably means 'use the older HTML interface rather
than some sort of whizbang JavaScript And Dancing Ponies interface'.
Not sure what 'zy=g' is, but if you start at /u/0 and end up redirected
to that, you might as well pre-encode that redirection in your saved

The one with mouse's [redacted] Google user ID might also be good,
obviously with *your* Google ID; but it only saves you one more
redirection; and I have some vague misgivings about encoding that in a


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