Hi Salvatore, Dear Ariadne,
Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
This is more severe than it initially looked like: Due to TLS Server
Name Indication (SNI) the hostname as parsed by Lynx (i.e with
"user:pass@" included) is sent in _clear_ text over the wire even
_before_ I can even said "n" for "no, don't continue to talk with this
server" in Lynx's prompt as shown above.
IMHO this nevertheless needs a CVE-ID.
MITRE did assign CVE-2021-38165.
Thanks Salvatore. I updated the debian/changelog entry for the next
upload as well as the title of the Debian bug report.
https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2021/08/07/7 claims that
credentials appear in the HTTP Host header to an http:// (i.e.,
non-SSL) website.
Indeed and a good point.
Citing from Ariadne's mail:
The issue itself is far more severe: HTParse() does not understand
the authn part of the URI at all.
But it will also leak in the Host: header on unencrypted
connections, and also probably SSL ones too.
But that looks to me as if Ariadne just refers to the code and hasn't
actually checked it by trying it. Nevertheless thanks to Ariadne for
having had a look and proposing a patch!