Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 18:32:20
From: Karen Lewellen <address@hidden>
To: Thorsten Glaser <address@hidden>
Cc: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?
The reason why I want a command to do this, say like the useragent option Tom
provided in another thread is because, since this is not my system, I have no
idea where the lynx.cfg file is.
I wish to change the site that displays when I type lynx, without impacting
the system whatsoever.
How does that seem confusing?
On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
Karen Lewellen dixit:
I am seeking a command line method to override the site listed as the
homepage for lynx regularly, i. e. the page that appears if i just entre
Then don?t enter just lynx ;-)
Otherwise, you can override the homepage in the lynx.cfg file.
Since you?re on a shellserver you cannot do that system-wide,
but you can copy the system-wide one into your home directory
and use the -cfg=FILENAME option to point to the changed file.
The idea is to change this default homepage, not just simply visit a
new site once.
But the ?homepage? is only shown if you don?t tell it a site
to visit when starting.
It?s probably easiest to make an alias, something like this:
echo "alias 'ly=lynx'" >>~/.bashrc
Then typing ly will start lynx with the other start page.
Easier than doing the config dance, unless you need that anyway.
FWIW, I'm quite impressed with mksh interactively. I thought it was much
*much* more bare bones. But it turns out it beats the living hell out of
ksh93 in that respect. I'd even consider it for my daily use if I hadn't
wasted half my life on my zsh setup. :-) -- Frank Terbeck in #!/bin/mksh
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