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lynx-dev Lynx2-8-1 bug report

From: David H. West
Subject: lynx-dev Lynx2-8-1 bug report
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 98 00:19 CST

Bug: If the text part of any line item in the bookmark file is
     longer than the screen width, and, in consequence, it occupies
     more than one screen line when rendered, an attempt to Remove any
     bookmark occurring after (below) the over-long line will end up
     deleting the wrong bookmark, i.e. the bookmark deleted is not the
     one the cursor is on.  This is completely reproducible.
System: Linux i586, kernel 2.0.36, libc5, ncurses 3.0.0
                        Configuration Definitions (Lynx Version

The following data were derived during the automatic configuration/build
process of this copy of Lynx.  When reporting a bug, please include a copy
of this page.

SYSTEM_MAIL                         unknown
alt_char_set                        no
baddef_remove                       no
bool_defs                           yes
c_const                             yes
color_curses                        no
curs_performance                    no
dcl_errno                           yes
dcl_sys_errlist                     yes
dcl_sys_nerr                        yes
fancy_curses                        no
fionbio                             ioctl
func_cbreak                         yes
func_cuserid                        yes
func_decl_getgrgid                  yes
func_decl_getgrnam                  yes
func_decl_strstr                    yes
func_define_key                     no
func_getcwd                         yes
func_getgroups                      yes
func_gethostbyname                  yes
func_gethostname                    yes
func_initscr                        no
func_keypad                         no
func_lstat                          yes
func_mktime                         yes
func_putenv                         yes
func_readdir                        yes
func_socket                         yes
func_strcasecmp                     yes
func_strerror                       yes
func_strstr                         yes
func_tgoto                          no
func_use_default_colors             no
func_vfork_works                    yes
func_waitpid                        yes
func_wborder                        no
have_errno                          yes
have_sys_errlist                    yes
have_sys_nerr                       yes
have_ttytype                        yes
have_utmp                           yes
header_dirent_dirent_h              yes
header_fcntl_h                      yes
header_limits_h                     yes
header_stdc                         yes
header_stdlib_h                     yes
header_string_h                     yes
header_sys_fcntl_h                  yes
header_sys_filio_h                  no
header_sys_ioctl_h                  yes
header_sys_param_h                  yes
header_sys_time_h                   yes
header_sys_wait_h                   yes
header_termio_h                     yes
header_termios_h                    yes
header_time                         yes
header_unistd_h                     yes
header_vfork_h                      no
lib_cursesX_initscr                 no
lib_curses_initscr                  yes
lib_dir_opendir                     no
lib_inet                            no
lib_termcap_tgoto                   yes
locale                              yes
ncurses_header                      curses.h
ncurses_version                     no
ngroups                             yes
path_CHMOD                          /bin/chmod
path_COMPRESS                       /bin/compress
path_COPY                           /bin/cp
path_GZIP                           /bin/gzip
path_MKDIR                          /bin/mkdir
path_MV                             /bin/mv
path_RM                             /bin/rm
path_TAR                            /bin/tar
path_TOUCH                          /bin/touch
path_UNCOMPRESS                     /bin/gunzip
path_UNZIP                          /usr/bin/unzip
path_UUDECODE                       /usr/bin/uudecode
path_ZCAT                           /bin/zcat
path_ZIP                            /usr/bin/zip
path_install                        /usr/bin/ginstall -c
prog_CC                             gcc
prog_CPP                            gcc -E
prog_RANLIB                         ranlib
prog_cc_cross                       no
prog_cc_g                           yes
prog_cc_works                       yes
prog_gcc                            yes
prog_make_make_set                  yes
screen                              curses
sizechange                          yes
system_mail_flags                   -t -oi
termio_and_curses                   yes
termio_and_termios                  yes
type_getgroups                      gid_t
type_mode_t                         yes
type_pid_t                          yes
type_uid_t                          yes
type_unionwait                      no
use_libsocks                        no
use_libsocks5                       no

The following data were used as automatically-configured compile-time
definitions when this copy of Lynx was built.

CHMOD_PATH                          /bin/chmod
COMPRESS_PATH                       /bin/compress
COPY_PATH                           /bin/cp
DIRED_SUPPORT                       1
DISP_PARTIAL                        1
GETGROUPS_T                         gid_t
GZIP_PATH                           /bin/gzip
HAVE_CBREAK                         1
HAVE_CUSERID                        1
HAVE_DIRENT_H                       1
HAVE_FCNTL_H                        1
HAVE_GETCWD                         1
HAVE_GETGROUPS                      1
HAVE_LIMITS_H                       1
HAVE_LSTAT                          1
HAVE_PUTENV                         1
HAVE_READDIR                        1
HAVE_SIZECHANGE                     1
HAVE_STDLIB_H                       1
HAVE_STRERROR                       1
HAVE_STRING_H                       1
HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H                    1
HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H                    1
HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H                     1
HAVE_TERMIOS_H                      1
HAVE_TERMIO_H                       1
HAVE_TTYTYPE                        1
HAVE_UNISTD_H                       1
HAVE_UTMP                           1
HAVE_WAITPID                        1
INSTALL_PATH                        /usr/bin/ginstall -c
LOCALE                              1
LONG_LIST                           1
LYNX_CFG_FILE                       /usr/local/lib/lynx.cfg
LYNX_CFG_H                          1
MKDIR_PATH                          /bin/mkdir
MV_PATH                             /bin/mv
OK_GZIP                             1
OK_OVERRIDE                         1
OK_PERMIT                           1
OK_TAR                              1
OK_UUDECODE                         1
OK_ZIP                              1
RM_PATH                             /bin/rm
STDC_HEADERS                        1
SYSTEM_MAIL                         unknown
SYSTEM_MAIL_FLAGS                   -t -oi
TAR_PATH                            /bin/tar
TERMIO_AND_CURSES                   1
TOUCH_PATH                          /bin/touch
UNCOMPRESS_PATH                     /bin/gunzip
UNIX                                1
UNZIP_PATH                          /usr/bin/unzip
USE_EXTERNALS                       1
UUDECODE_PATH                       /usr/bin/uudecode
ZCAT_PATH                           /bin/zcat
ZIP_PATH                            /usr/bin/zip
lstat                               stat

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