On 18 Apr 2022, at 06:56, Mark Probert <mark@archsys.net> wrote:
I am confused as to why the following doesn't work as expected. I am thinking the closing repeat, within the alternative 1, should have "ears" yet it doesn't. Have I not understood the \defineBarLine correctly? Or is there something else here?
(I do note if I put a \break at the end of alternative 1 then the bar-with-ears appears, but I don't want that all the time.)
Any help appreciated.
.. mark.
\version "2.22"
\defineBarLine ".|:" #'("" "[|:" "") \defineBarLine ":|." #'(":|]" "" "")
melody = \relative c'' { \clef treble \bar ".|:" \repeat volta 2 { a4 b c d~ | } \alternative { { d2 r2 | } { d2.\repeatTie r4 \bar "|." } } }
\score { \new Staff \melody }
The proper way would be overriding the default barlines for repeats in the Score context (and you typically would want to include the double repeat just in case you have to volta repeats back-to-back):
\layout {
\context {
%% Changing the defaults from engraver-init.ly
startRepeatType = #"[|:"
endRepeatType = #":|]"
doubleRepeatType = #":|][|:"