I get here one box for each number. Is it possible to have to rectangular boxes, each one for one hand, 3+3 ?
something like this.
g'^\markup \column { "D#" \box {"3" " " "1"} \box {"3" "2" "1"} "C#" }
I don't know how to align the letters either.
On 11 April 2010 18:44, Nick Payne
<address@hidden> wrote:
Try \column:
^\markup \column { \override #'(font-size . -2) "D#" \box { \finger "31" } \box \finger "21" \override #'(font-size . -2) "C#" }
Needs some tweaking of the vertical spacing etc. For anything more than once-off use you'd want to wrap it up in a music function to minimise the amount of markup cluttering your score source.
On 11/04/10 23:33, Bernardo Barros wrote:
Thanks a lot to all,
Yes Nick, this is closed to the idea. The other keys could be written with letters.
^\markup { \override #'(font-size . -2) "D# " \box \finger "3 1| 21" \override #'(font-size . -2) "C#" }
BUT... is it possible to make it VERTICAL instead of horizontal text??