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Subject: |
Re: The organ template works fine now but .... |
Date: |
Sun, 09 Apr 2006 08:09:23 +0200 |
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Yhank you for your answers !
The new scheme you proposed is OK.
But I tried to tune interval between pedal stave et piano staves with :
* \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)*
with no result. It changes extent between the groups of three staves but
non between the peadal stave and piano staves.
I varied the value (-1 . 1) with no result, I changes position of the
command \override. Where have I to place the command \override etc.
\new StaffGroup \with{systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBar } <<
*here ?*
\new PianoStaff <<
*here ?*
\new Staff \relative c' {c d e f }
\new Staff \relative c' {\clef bass c b a g }
*here ?*
\new Staff \relative c {\clef bass c1 }
The syntax of the commands in general is confused and not completely
Thank you.
Le 08.04.2006 20:19, :
I don't think that helps, since PianoStaff sets a fixed
spacing between its staves.
I would recommend the following solution, which in a
way is easier than what I initially proposed, namely to
use a PianoStaff only for the manual staves and enclose
all three staves in a GrandStaff. The only trick that's needed
then is to get rid of the bracket, which is easy:
\new StaffGroup \with{systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBar } <<
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff \relative c' {c d e f }
\new Staff \relative c' {\clef bass c b a g }
\new Staff \relative c {\clef bass c1 }
Now, you can change the minimum y extent of the
pedal stave separately, if needed.
Trevor Bača wrote:
have you tried minimum y extent?
On 4/6/06, MX <address@hidden> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: MX <address@hidden>
To: Mats Bengtsson <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 22:36:02 +0200
Subject: The organ template works fine now but ...
Thank you very much Mats, it works fine now.
If someone asked you how to tune the distance between the pedal staff
and the manuale staves, what would you answer ? I know someone who
tried very hard with overrideProperty commands, VerticalAlignment etc.
and who did not manage to do anything...
Le 05.04.2006 20:09, :
Simple, just replace StaffGroup by PianoStaff.
GG wrote:
Unfortunately, it seems that this solution doesn't authorize the
staff changes between the manuale staves, as in the Pianostaff
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Trevor Bača
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