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Re: [Info-mtools] What does it take to support FAT12 dialects?

From: Alexander Huemer
Subject: Re: [Info-mtools] What does it take to support FAT12 dialects?
Date: Wed, 26 May 2021 12:49:40 +0000
User-agent: NeoMutt/20180716

On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 08:38:55AM +0000, Alexander Huemer wrote:
> Alain, thanks for the thorough analysis. This is all very interesting.
> One thing I can offer is to try the logging facility of FlashFloppy[1], 
> which is the firmware used on the GoTek floppy drive emulators commonly 
> used in these 3174 controllers.
> I haven't used this before, but I'd hope that this log provides insights 
> into which sectors, clusters, tracks, etc. are accessed when (any maybe 
> how?). I am happy to give this as a try during the next days. Maybe that 
> helps.
> [1]

Since I was working on the 3174 today anyways, I flashed the logging 
firmware and traced the accesses that occured (on disk drive 2 for the 
extension disk, for a control disk IML, for the people to whom this 
means something). Anyways, that's a 2.4M disk. The trace can be found at 
[2]. It isn't very detailed though. I don't think this will help much.



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