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[Info-mtools] use windows 95 with the kvm virtualization in linux

From: Alain Knaff
Subject: [Info-mtools] use windows 95 with the kvm virtualization in linux
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 11:10:49 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100317)

[The following was lost in the moderation system, reposting it manually.
Sorry for the delay]

Subject: use windows 95 with the kvm virtualization in linux
From: "oui oui" <address@hidden>
Date:Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:28:36 +0200
To: address@hidden


I am using the actual Debian Linux and wish to use windows 95 in the kvm
virtualization in linux

I wish to install the virtual drive C: so, that I can process the file
into C: from Linux using mtools (mcopy, mdir, mdel and mcd).

a c.img with 500 MB (or only 250 MB) would be more than enough as the
disk at the time from windows 95 were not bigger. my kvm files are
placed in ~/kvm/ .

what is to do to create, active, format an adequate ~/kvm/c.img or where
may I find a tutorial about this job?

what can destroy the created file system during the installation from
Windows 95?

kind regards


used software:
- 622C.img or msdos710.img or freedos (if I find again the image of the
short installation FD!) or Windows95b.img to start dos and the installation
- original MS CD's of windows 65 early version  4.00.950 or  4.00.950A,
newer version with or without USB connectivity B or C
- Linux file system: ext3

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