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parse_range() end too early

From: Moritz Barsnick
Subject: parse_range() end too early
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 22:34:11 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.99i

Hi there,

I just had a nice experience:

address@hidden:/usr/new/tools/mtools/range-test > mformat a:
address@hidden:/usr/new/tools/mtools/range-test > for num in `seq 0-9`; do 
touch ${num}-Keks; done; mcopy -v *-Keks a:
Copying 0-Keks
Copying 1-Keks
Copying 2-Keks
Copying 3-Keks
Copying 4-Keks
Copying 5-Keks
Copying 6-Keks
Copying 7-Keks
Copying 8-Keks
Copying 9-Keks
address@hidden:/usr/new/tools/mtools/range-test > mdir a:
 Volume in drive A has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 7E45-A9EC
Directory for A:/

0-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  0-Keks
1-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  1-Keks
2-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  2-Keks
3-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  3-Keks
4-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  4-Keks
5-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  5-Keks
6-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  6-Keks
7-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  7-Keks
8-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  8-Keks
9-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  9-Keks
       10 files                   0 bytes
                          1 457 664 bytes free

address@hidden:/usr/new/tools/mtools/range-test > mdir a:[0-9]*
 Volume in drive A has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 7E45-A9EC
Directory for A:/

0-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  0-Keks
1-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  1-Keks
2-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  2-Keks
3-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  3-Keks
4-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  4-Keks
5-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  5-Keks
6-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  6-Keks
7-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  7-Keks
8-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  8-Keks
        9 files                   0 bytes
                          1 457 664 bytes free

address@hidden:/usr/new/tools/mtools/range-test > mdir a:[0-8]*
 Volume in drive A has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 7E45-A9EC
Directory for A:/

0-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  0-Keks
1-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  1-Keks
2-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  2-Keks
3-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  3-Keks
4-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  4-Keks
5-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  5-Keks
6-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  6-Keks
7-keks               0 2002-06-14  21:39  7-Keks
        8 files                   0 bytes
                          1 457 664 bytes free


You see, mdir is displaying one file too little when you give it a
range. In other words: its range is too short by one! (mcopy shows the
same behavior.)

It wasn't too difficult finding the buglet, it just worries me that no
one has noticed before.  ;-)  A patch is attached, it needs no
explanation IMHO.

Best greetings,
have a nice and sunny weekend,

Attachment: mtools-3.9.8-parse_range02.patch
Description: Text document

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