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Lily 2.2.0 is out

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Lily 2.2.0 is out
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 13:32:06 +0200

Dear music enthousiasts,

LilyPond is a program for making beautiful music notation.  It is
free/open source software, and is available for all popular operating
systems. It runs on most Unix flavors --including Linux and MacOS X-- and MS
Windows. Use it for your music too!

LilyPond version 2.2 was released today!

This release has completely revamped support for for orchestral score
formatting, cue notes, font size management, lyric formatting, drum
notation/playback and document integration.

In addition, it has numerous syntax simplifications, proper support
for 8va brackets, and a completely updated manual.

Go and grab it at

A big thank-you goes out to our contributors:

David Bobroff, Edward Sanford Sutton, Heikki Junes, and Nicolas

Also thanks to our bug-hunters:

Alexandre Beneteau, Andrew McNabb, Atte Andre Jensen , Bertalan Fodor,
Bruce McIntyre, Dave Symonds, David Bobroff, Darius, Delma Avers, Doug
Linhardt, Eric Wurbel, Erik Sandberg, Ferenc Wagner, Hans Forbrich,
John Williams, José Luis Cruz, Juergen Reuter, Kieren Richard
MacMillan, Laurent Martelli, Mats Bengtsson, Matthias Kilian, Nancho
Alvarez, Nick Busigin, Nicolas Sceaux , Olivier Guery, Patrick
Atamaniuk, Paul Scott, Pawel D, Pedro Kroger, Ray McKinney, Reuben
Thomas, Rob V, Stef Epardaud, Thomas Willhalm, Thomas Scharkowski, Tom
Bäckström, Werner Lemberg, and Will Oram.

Happy music printing,

Han-Wen Nienhuys & Jan Nieuwenhuizen
(core development team)

New features in 2.2 since 2.0

   * Setting `raggedlast = ##t' in the `\paper' block causes the last
     line to be set flush-left instead of justified.

   * The `Timing_engraver' now sets the `Timing' alias on its
     containing context automatically.

   * The code for font selection has been rewritten. In addition to
     existing font selection properties, the property `font-encoding'
     has been added, which makes the switch between normal `text' and
     other encodings like `braces', `music' and `math'.

   * The pmx2ly script has been removed from the distribution.

   * Pedal brackets will now run to the last bar of a piece if they are
     not explicitly ended.

   * Context definitions now use the word `\context' instead of

   * Property functions may be used as an argument to `set!', for

            (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'beam) ... )

   * In anticipation of Emacs 21.4 or 22.1, the info documentation
     contains images.

   * Cue notes can be quoted directly from the parts that contain them.
     This will take into account transposition of source and target
     instrument. For example,

     \addquote clarinet \notes\relative c' {
       \transposition bes
       fis4 fis fis fis

     \score {
         \notes \relative c'' {
        c8 d8 \quote 2 oboe es8 gis

   * The transposition of an instrument can be specified using the
     `\transposition' command.  An E-flat alto saxophone is specified as

            \transposition es'

   * The naming of exported Scheme functions now follows Scheme
     conventions.  Changes be applied to Scheme files with

                  convert-ly -e -n --from=2.1.24 --to=2.1.26 *.scm

   * Notes can  be excluded from auto-beaming, by  marking them with
            c8 c \noBeam c c

     will print two separate eighth notes, and two beamed notes.

   * Translators and contexts have been split. The result of this
     internal cleanup is that `Score' no longer is the top context;
     `Score' is contained in the `Global' context. Consequently, it is
     possible to tweak `Score' as follows:

            \context Score \with {

   * The number of staff lines  in Tablature notation is now
     automatically deduced from the `stringTunings' property.

   * The program reference has been cleaned up and revised.

   * The syntax for setting properties has been simplified: the
     following table lists the differences:

                (old)                           (new)

          \property A.B = #C                \set A.B = #C
          \property A.B \unset              \unset A.B
          \property A.B \set #C = #D        \override A.B #C = #D
          \property A.B \override #C = #D   (removed)
          \property A.B \revert #C          \revert A.B #C

     Furthermore, if `A' is left out, the bottommost context is used by
     default.  In other words, it is no longer necessary to explicitly
     mention `Voice', `Lyrics' or `ChordNames'.


             \property Voice.autoBeaming = ##f
             \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'C


             \set autoBeaming = ##f
             \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'C

   * Tweaks  made with `\override' and `\revert' no longer hide tweaks
     at higher context levels.

   * Melismata in lyrics are also properly handled  in the MIDI output.

   * The lilypond-book script has been rewritten.  It is shorter,
     cleaner and faster.  The special construct `mbinclude' has been
     removed, plain address@hidden' or `\input' can be used now.

     It now supports running convert-ly on the lilypond snippets,
              lilypond-book --filter='convert-ly --from=2.0.0' my-book.tely

   * The `LyricsVoice' context has been removed. Lyrics should only be
     constructed in `Lyrics'.

   * The `Thread' context has been removed. Note heads and rests are
     now constructed at `Voice' level.

   * Harmonic notes can now be entered as

             <c' g''\harmonic>

   * Drum notation is now supported  as a regular feature: percussion
     may be entered in `\drums' mode, and printed or performed in a
     `DrumStaff' context:

            \score {
              \drums \new DrumStaff { hihat4 cowbell8 }

   * The automatic staff changer was internally rewritten. As a result,
     the syntax has been simplified as well:

            \autochange THE-MUSIC

   * The ergonomic syntax of `\markup' now has an equivalent in Scheme.
     The `markup*' macro creates such objects; the following two markup
     commands are equivalent:
           f4^#(markup* #:raise 0.2 #:bold "hi")
           f4^\markup { \raise #0.2 \bold hi  }

   * Voice names, for vocal lines, have been added. They are similar to
     instrument names.   They can be set by defining `vocalName' and

   * Safe mode has been reinstated for lilypond.  When lilypond is
     invoked with `--safe-mode', TeX and PostScript file output is
     disallowed, and lilypond-bin is invoked with `--safe-mode', the
     user's Guile expressions are evaluated in a safe environment and
     file inclusion is not allowed.

     Warning: this does not protect against denial-of-service attacks
     using Guile, TeX or PostScript.

     (This feature is still experimental.)

   * There is now a Scheme macro for defining markup commands. Special
     mark-up commands can be defined in user-files too.

   * Many fixes for dimension scaling have been made, resulting in
     correct results for scores that mix staves in different sizes.

   * Improved robustness when  layout properties are accidentally

   * A  more cleanly constructed part combiner has been installed.  It
     is more robust and less buggy. The part-combiner can be used with
            \partcombine MUS1 MUS2

     See `input/regression/' for an example.

   * Formatting of rehearsal marks has been improved. The `\mark'
     command now only does automatic incrementing for marks specified as
     integer. For example, `\mark #1' will print an A in the default
     style.  See `input/regression/',

   * Formatting of ottava brackets has been much improved.

   * Objects in the output can now be documented: the following fragment
     boxes the note head, and adds the text "heads or tails?" three
     spaces below the box.

                 \context Voice \applyoutput #(add-balloon-text
                                             'NoteHead "heads, or tails?"
                                             '(0 . -3))


   * Default staff sizes are now scalable. There are two new mechanisms
     for setting staff sizes. Both are demonstrated in this fragment:

            #(set-global-staff-size 15)
            \paper {
              #(paper-set-staff-size (* 15 pt))

     Both have the same effect on the global layout of a piece.
     Similarly, the paper size may be changed as follows

            #(set-default-paper-size "a4")
            \paper {
              #(set-paper-size "a4")

   * Warnings for bar check errors are more cleverly printed.  This
     makes `barCheckSynchronize' superfluous, so it is now switched off
     by default.

     Warning: this will cause problems in scores that use bar checks to
     shorten measures.

   * The black note head was made a little rounder, which causes a less
     frantic graphic impression.

   * A more concise syntax for checking octaves was introduced. A note
     may be followed by `='QUOTES which indicates what its absolute
     octave should be.  In the following example,

            \relative c'' { c='' b=' d,='' }

     the d will generate a warning, because a d" is expected, but a d'
     is found.

   * There is a new mechanism for putting lyrics to melodies.  With
     this mechanism, `Lyrics' lines can be put melodies individually,
     allowing for different melismatic sections in every `Lyrics'. See

   * Bar lines may now be dotted.

   * The documentation now has links to a wiki, where everyone can add
     personal comments to the manual.

   * Contexts may now be changed locally for an isolated music
     expression. For example,

            \new Voice \with {
               \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
            } {

   * The syntax for changing staffs has changed. The keyword `\change'
     should now be used, e.g.

            \change Staff = up

   * Features of spanner contexts, like `Staff', can now be changed
     using `\set', eg.

            \new Staff {
                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = #4

     puts a quarter note C on a staff with 4 lines.

   * Multi measure rests are now truly centered between the
     clefs/barlines of the staff, their position is independent of
     symbols on the other staffs.

   * Collision resolution for dots in chords has been improved greatly.

   * Spacing following barlines was improved for widely stretched lines.

   * Lyric hyphens and extenders now conform to standard typesetting

   * Lyrics are now aligned under note heads conforming to engraving
     standards. The responsible code has been rewritten, and is
     drastically simpler from the previous version. To aid this
     rewrite, the syntactic function of the extender line ( __ ) has
     been changed: it is now attached to the lyric syllable.

   * When redefining a context, the associated identifier is also
     updated. For example, after reading the following snippet,
           \translator {
                  autoBeaming = ##f
     the definition of `ScoreContext' is updated to include the changed

   * The weight of the stafflines is now heavier at smaller staff sizes.
     The font has been modified to match this look: at smaller sizes,
     the font is heavier and the note heads are more rounded.

   * Processing scores is now done while parsing the file. New Scheme
     functions give more flexibility: for example, it is now possible
     interpret a score, collecting synchronized musical events in a
     list, and manipulate that information using inline Scheme. For an
     example, see `input/no-notation/'.

   * Font sizes can now truly be scaled continuously: the  `font-size'
     is similar to the old `font-relative-size', but may be set to
     fractional values; the closest design size will be scaled to
     achieve the desired size. As a side-effect, there are now no longer
     limitations in using smaller fonts (eg. grace notes) at small staff

   * Stem tips are now also engraved with rounded corners.

   * The placement of accidentals on chords and ledgered notes is


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden   | 

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