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Re: Problems

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: Re: Problems
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 15:50:24 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Simon Josefsson <address@hidden> writes:

> Rick M <address@hidden> writes:
>> Simon:
>> make -k check passed all other tests
>> The original vasnprintf error is also in gsasl-0.2.30.
> Thanks Rick.  Could you debug test-vasnprintf to see where the problem
> is?  Try something like this:
> cd gltests
> gdb test-vasnprintf
> gdb> r
> ...
> gdb> bt full
> And post the output of all steps.
> I'm trying to get access to a freebsd 6.3 system to test this on as
> well.

Alas, I have failed to get access to a freebsd 6.3 system.  If you can
give me access to one such system where I can reproduce the system, that
would help.  Alternatively, upload a freebsd 6.3 x64 image to
image and I can try to use qemu with it.  (I tried to install an freebsd
image under qemu myself, but ran into network troubles and don't have
resources to spend more time on this.)


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