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GNU SASL 0.2.25

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: GNU SASL 0.2.25
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 17:27:34 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

GNU SASL is a modern C library that implement the standard network
security protocol Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL).  The
framework and a couple of common SASL mechanisms are implemented.  GNU
SASL can be used by network applications for IMAP, SMTP and similar
protocols to provide authentication services (and more).

Top-level NEWS entries:

* Version 0.2.25 (released 2008-03-10)

** gsasl: Fix buffering issue to avoid mixing stdout/stderr outputs.
This would manifest itself when redirecting output to a pipe, such as
when used with Gnus.  Reported by Enrico Scholz
<address@hidden>, see

** Fix non-portable use of brace expansion in makefiles.

Library (lib/) NEWS entries:

* Version 0.2.25 (released 2008-03-10)

** Fix non-portable use of brace expansion in makefiles.

** Documentation improvements.

** API and ABI modifications.
No changes since last version.

Instructions for how to build GNU SASL under uClinux are available from
<>.  If your uClinux toolchain is broken,
it is possible to build GNU SASL without using the ./configure
mechanism, see <>.

Improving GNU SASL is costly, but you can help!  We are looking for
organizations that find GNU SASL useful and wish to contribute back.
You can contribute by reporting bugs, improve the software, purchase
support contracts, or donate money or equipment.

Commercial support contracts for GNU SASL are available, and they help
finance continued maintenance.  Simon Josefsson Datakonsult, a
Stockholm based privately held company, is currently funding GNU SASL
maintenance.  We are always looking for interesting development
projects.  See for more details.

All manual formats are available from:

Specifically, the following formats are available.

The main manual: - HTML format - PDF format

API Reference manual: - GTK-DOC HTML

Doxygen documentation: - HTML format - PDF format

If you need help to use GNU SASL, or want to help others, you are
invited to join our help-gsasl mailing list, see:

The project page of the library is available at:

Here are the build reports for various platforms:

Daily builds of the package are available from:

Here are the compressed sources of the entire package:   (3.3MB)  (PGP)

Here are the compressed sources of the LGPL library (included above):   (796KB)  (PGP)

The software is cryptographically signed by the author using an
OpenPGP key identified by the following information:

pub   1280R/B565716F 2002-05-05 [expires: 2008-06-30]
      Key fingerprint = 0424 D4EE 81A0 E3D1 19C6  F835 EDA2 1E94 B565 716F
uid                  Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>
uid                  Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>

The key is available from:

Here are the SHA-1 and SHA-224 checksums:

aa38392b835adb7a4102970f9c262a83e2f75f3d  libgsasl-0.2.25.tar.gz
74a8edbb52b55828fa5703903bd2afb1c170b09dd0cdca7bd778a453  libgsasl-0.2.25.tar.gz

066a1d26f8c701206b5614f4b1ef490ba07284c7  gsasl-0.2.25.tar.gz
7ab16dd65b2c1722374077a73044fafbecbdb033ea112047a3f52838  gsasl-0.2.25.tar.gz


Attachment: pgpm1WULozynU.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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