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Re: Substituting particular Cocoa classes

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Substituting particular Cocoa classes
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 16:11:10 +0100

Be careful about including GNUstep in iOS apps. Afaik GNUstep is LGPLed, and iOS does not allow dynamic linking... Resulting in the situation where you have to statically link with libs, and hence either LGPL or GPL your app.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong :)


Ivan Vučica
via phone

On 16. ožu. 2011., at 20:05, Daniel Brajkovic <> wrote:

I want to substitute certain Cocoa classes, in particular, those related to distributed objects ("DO"), with GnuStep classes. How do I do that?

Secondly, and this probably has the same answer as the first question. I want to include certain GnuStep classes into a iOS app, again those related to DO. iOS does not have DO functionality but I want to include for a particular app I would like to develop. Is that possible?

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