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Re: Pleas help me about porting applications from Openstep to GNUstep.

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: Re: Pleas help me about porting applications from Openstep to GNUstep.
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 09:22:32 -0700

You need to name the file GNUmakefile, not Makefile

On Nov 21, 2008, at 11:08 PM, Ryan Hwang wrote:

Thanks so much for your immediate reply,Adam~!
But I'm still having problems..
I modified the Makfiles like yours.After "make" it, displayed:
$ make
This is gnustep-make 2.0.6. Type 'make print-gnustep-make-help' for help.
Making all for app modeleNpop...
make[1]:GNUmakefile:No such file or directory
make[1]:*** No rule to make target 'GNUmakefile'. Stop.
make: *** [] Error 2
The application and source codes are available at:
and I installed gnustep-system-0.20.3 and gnustep-core-0.20.3 for Windows which are available at:
I wonder if there are any other files needed in my GNUstep.
I'm so sorry for bothering you again.
I can't find any references or books aobut Openstep or GNUstep in the library here,nor can I turn to anyone else for help.It's really confusing me.
Appreciating your great kindness!
Sincerely Yours,
Ryan Hwang
2008/11/22 Adam Fedor <>
You can't use the old Makefiles, you need new ones.

There a few tools that might work:
The released, but very old OpenStep2GNUConverter:
The unreleased pbxbuild:

Although your project is pretty simple.  I bet a Makefile like this would work:

NAME = modeleNpop
PROJECT_TYPE = Application
LANGUAGE = English
NEXTSTEP_APPICON = modeleNcol.tiff
ICONSECTIONS = -sectcreate __ICON app modeleNcol.tiff
LOCAL_RESOURCES = modeleNpop.nib population.nib
CLASSES = popManager.m population.m
HFILES = fonctionsC.h popManager.h population.h
MFILES = modeleNpop_main.m
CFILES = fonctionsC.c
OTHERSRCS = Makefile.preamble Makefile Makefile.postamble

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make


-include Makefile.preamble
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/application.make
-include Makefile.postamble

On Nov 21, 2008, at 9:16 AM, Ryan Hwang wrote:

To anyone who can help me:
Recently I'v got an application for my research(about EEG signal processing),but it was developped in Openstep Enterprise (OSE) for Windows.
I installed GNUstep,but I don't know how to port the app to GNUstep since I've never learned about UNIX/Linux/GNU stuff like that before.
There are source codes and the author says: This source code can be imported in Linux GNUSTEP with MINOR modifications as GNUSTEP is compliant with Openstep specifications.
I wonder what to modify and how to.
Here is the Makefile in the Source Code:
# Generated by the NeXT Project Builder.
# NOTE: Do NOT change this file -- Project Builder maintains it.
# Put all of your customizations in files called Makefile.preamble
# and Makefile.postamble (both optional), and Makefile will include them.
NAME = modeleNpop
PROJECT_TYPE = Application
LANGUAGE = English
NEXTSTEP_APPICON = modeleNcol.tiff
ICONSECTIONS = -sectcreate __ICON app modeleNcol.tiff
LOCAL_RESOURCES = modeleNpop.nib population.nib
CLASSES = popManager.m population.m
HFILES = fonctionsC.h popManager.h population.h
MFILES = modeleNpop_main.m
CFILES = fonctionsC.c
OTHERSRCS = Makefile.preamble Makefile Makefile.postamble

MAKEFILEDIR = $(NEXT_ROOT)/NextDeveloper/Makefiles/pb_makefiles
MAKEFILE = app.make

FRAMEWORKS = -framework AppKit -framework Foundation

include $(MAKEFILEDIR)/platform.make
-include Makefile.preamble
-include Makefile.postamble
-include Makefile.dependencies
When I "make" this file in the GNUstep,it displays:
Makefile:46:/NextDeveloper/Makefiles/pb_makefiles/platform.make:No such file or directory
Makefile:50:/NextDeveloper/Makefiles/pb_makefiles/app.make:No such file or directory
make:  ***  No rule to make target '/NextDeveloper/Makefiles/pb_makefiles/app.make'. Stop.
It's really an important application for me, and I really need your help~
If other source codes are needed,please let me know.
Looking forward to your reply ASAP.
I'd be most grateful for your help.
Sincerely Yours,
Ryan Hwang
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