A newbie question…..I am running GNUStep on Windows
Vista after running the Windows installers (gnustep-system-0.9.1-setup and gnustep-core-0.9.1-setup)
to install GNUStep. I try to compile a simple C/Objective-C program from
MinGw32 using the command ‘gcc hello.m –o hello1 –l objc’
and get the message ‘gcc.exe: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1obj':
No such file or directory’. The aforementioned file does exist in
the following directory: ‘C:\GNUstep\mingw\libexec\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5’.
The Windows PATH variable is set to ‘C:\GNUstep\mingw\bin;C:\GNUstep\GNUstep\System\Tools’.
I am a little new to this and wondering if an environment variable needs to be
set or modified differently than what the installer did? Any insight
would be greatly appreciated.