If you've download the files to your desktop, they'd be in a directory
something like:
/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/username/Desktop
you might want to copy them to your home directory, then compile them
from there:
cp /c/Documents\ and\ Settings/username/Desktop/*gz $HOME
tar -zxf MyApp.tar.gz
cd MyApp
make install
Then from msys, you can start the applications with:
openapp MyApp.app
On Nov 8, 2007, at 7:40 AM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote:
Maybe I'm a little thick, but I don't know how to get applications
installed with GNUStep under Windows XP. I downloaded and installed
the console (MSYS), but I don't know how to proceed from there. I
downloaded a couple of programs to compile and install, but I don't
know what to do with them. I thought I should place them in the
C:\GNUStep folder somehere and then I would compile from the command
line, but they don't show up anywhere inside the console. I've looked
at the getting started guide, but it was no help, so I'm stuck with
only the console installed.
Any pointers appreciated.
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