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Re: Categories and selector

From: Sébastien Pierre
Subject: Re: Categories and selector
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:21:07 +0100

Le lundi, 25 nov 2002, à 12:19 Europe/Paris, Nicola Pero a écrit :

The only reason I see for that is that the category is not added to the
class object at runtime... I wonder why this program works on MacOSX
and GNUStep/Solaris, but not on GNUstep/Linux ?

It sounds strange.  Can you provide a self-contained, but short/simple,
testcase, which I can use to reproduce the problem on my GNU/Linux ?

I tried but... I was not able to reproduce this :(

If you want to try the program that generates the exception, it is available at

Which version of gcc/libobjc are you using ?

gcc is 3.04
libobjc is bundled with gcc 3.04 but also available as 1.0 under /usr/lib.

Maybe if you manage to execute my program (PingPongDemo) without the "PingPongDemo: Uncaught exception NSInvalidArgumentException, reason: PingPongAgent(instance) does not recognize helloWorld" exception, this would mean that I have a broken gcc/libobjc install.


 -- Sébastien

«Le soleil est Dieu»
<>             -- Turner, avant de mourir

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