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Re: [newbie] Recursive GNUmakefile

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: [newbie] Recursive GNUmakefile
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 20:49:18 +0000 (GMT)

> Hi,
> I am trying to compile an application I wrote on OSX under GNUstep. I 
> encounter problems with the makefile system as my sources are organised 
> in subfolders, as following:
> - Sources/
>       main.m
>       Core/
>               blah.m
>       Utilities/
>               foo.m
> Putting all the sources files in the OBJC_FILES (like Sources/main.m 
> Sources/Core/blah.m ...) does not work properly.
> How should I write my makefile to support my Source tree ?

You need to have a GNUmakefile in each directory.

Sources/GNUmakefile will contain the makefile to build the final tool (I
assume we're talking of a tool - anything else is similar):

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make

MyTool_OBJC_FILES = main.m
MyTool_SUBPROJECTS = Core Utilities

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make

as you see, it contains MyTool_SUBPROJECTS.  That will tell gnustep-make
to recurse into the subdirectories, and that in the subdirectories it will
find more .m files to merge into the tool, when it's built.

Both in Core/ and Utilities/, you need a specific, very simple,
GNUmakefile with the instructions to build that particular subproject -
such as 

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make

Core_OBJC_FILES = blah.m

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/subproject.make

If you then type 'make' at the top-level, it will first compile the files
in the subdirectories (/subprojects), finally compile the main.m file,
then finally assemble all together into the finished tool.

Hope that helps :-)

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