Hello, Say I have a file name g1.mod. I am running it in the terminal with the command "glpsol --model g1.mod --output g1.sol". After solving it is giving the ultimate solution and saving it in g1.sol. The ultimate information about x[i,j,k] I am getting in g1.sol. I don't have any control over x[i,j,k] during the solving process. Now my question is when glpk solving my g1.mod and changing the x[i,j,k] internally in different iteration , can I know that information and can get the control over x[i,j,k] so that depending on that information I can change some of the cost matrix dynamically? May be it is clear what exactly I want? Please help. Any suggestion will be helpful.
-- Sajal Mukhopadhyay, Asst. Professor, NIT,Durgapur, Durgapur-9.