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[bug#63263] [PATCH] gexp: Stop generating unreadable builder scripts.

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: [bug#63263] [PATCH] gexp: Stop generating unreadable builder scripts.
Date: Sat, 06 May 2023 09:05:43 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.13; emacs 28.2

Josselin Poiret <> writes:

> Christopher Baines <> writes:
>> I guess my perspective on this is more from the operation of the guix
>> data service, which is carefully computing and storing all of these
>> broken derivations (and there's a lot, like 10,000+ per revision at the
>> moment, since they change every time you compute them).  This then
>> propagates down to the build coordinator as well, since there's builds
>> being submitted for all these broken derivations. I have considered
>> trying to detect these breakages in the data service, but I'm not sure
>> how to do it while removing the possibility of false positives.
> I guess you already read the derivations from the data service to find
> out what has changed, right?  Would you also be able to try to read the
> builder script from there, before trying to build?  And if the
> derivation is bad, signal it somehow and flag it for some sort of gc?
> Although then, all other derivations depending on it would also need to
> be gc'd, which might be annoying.
> I don't know if the data service's architecture would allow this to be
> done before trying to build derivations though, sorry in advance if that
> would be too much work.

It would do, but I'm not sure this would be as reliable as doing the
check from Guix, especially since the version of Guile used for the
checking might be different.

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