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Re: NSSound Reimplementation

From: Stefan Bidigaray
Subject: Re: NSSound Reimplementation
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 12:47:58 -0500

In case you guys didn't know, my weekends start of Fridays (4 day a week work schedule).  I actually started testing last night and, to my suprise, it worked pretty well (I've attached my test tool).  It would be really great to get some input on the code itself.  It's missing quite a bit or functionality but the over all play, stop, etc stuff is working.

Here's what I know isn't working:

* -isPlaying is still kind of weird because I'm using the NSConditionLock's condition to figure out if it's playing but that doesn't get destroyed when the sound naturally reaches the end of the line (would appreciate some suggests on how to make sure this happens).

* -stop destroys the NSConditionLock, but to make sure it doesn't before -_stream is done with it I put a sleep() there.  This is related to the -isPlaying thing above... I'm think the best thing for me to do here is have -_stream destroy the lock, is that a good idea?

* -currentTime and -setCurrentTime are screwy.  I need to go back in SndfileSource.m and have those method use sndfile's tell and seek function.  It's real funny watching .ogg and .flac files play and the output of -currentTime is 1/3 of the actual play time.

* Like I mentioned before, still no bundle loading stuff!  I'm just including SndfileSource.m and AudioOutputSink.m in the NSSound_test.m file... just a real quick and dirty workaround for now.

I also have a question: how can I find out if I have any objects that are not getting deallocated?  In case you didn't catch from my previous stuff I'm pretty bad a memory management.


Attachment: nssoundtest.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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