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Re: GDL2 Release for Debian Lenny

From: Hubert Chathi
Subject: Re: GDL2 Release for Debian Lenny
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2008 12:14:23 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

On Thu, 05 Jun 2008 09:44:46 +0200, David Ayers <address@hidden> said:

> Hello Everyone, I would like to plan a GDL2 release for Lenny.  I'm
> not sure what the exact deadlines are but they are approaching.  Some
> of the GDL2 prerequisites are

> -make [current version in Lenny: 2.0.5 Sid: 2.0.5]

That's the latest version, AFAIK.

> -base [current version in Lenny: 1.14.1 Sid: 1.14.1]
> -gui [current version in Lenny: 0.12.0 Sid: 0.12.0]
> -back [current version in Lenny: 0.12.0 Sid: 0.12.0]

Until the LGPL3/GPL2 issue is resolved, those are the latest versions
that we can have in Debian, or else we'd have to get rid of
(and a few other packages) from Debian.

> Renaissance [current version in Lenny: 0.8.0 Sid: 0.9.0]

Yeah, there are a couple of build failures that I need to look into for
Renaissance 0.9.0 on powerpc and hppa.  I'm hoping that Renaissance
0.9.0 will be in Lenny.

> [current version in Lenny: 1.2.2 Sid: 1.2.2]

AFAIK, the latest needs newer -base/-gui, so this is also stuck
until the LGPL3/GPL2 issue is resolved.

> I would like to know which versions (stable/unstable) are to be
> expected for Lenny so that I can match/remove some of the workarounds
> and hacks needed.

If we have a resolution to the LGPL3/GPL2 issue soon, then I can get the
unstable release into Lenny (although I would much prefer if we had
something that the GNUstep developers bless as "stable").  Otherwise,
we're stuck with what we have right now.

Hubert Chathi <address@hidden> -- Jabber: address@hidden
PGP/GnuPG key: 1024D/124B61FA
Fingerprint: 96C5 012F 5F74 A5F7 1FF7  5291 AF29 C719 124B 61FA

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