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[taler-taler-ios] 81/204: iterate over balances
From: |
gnunet |
Subject: |
[taler-taler-ios] 81/204: iterate over balances |
Date: |
Thu, 05 Dec 2024 23:50:49 +0100 |
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
marc-stibane pushed a commit to branch master
in repository taler-ios.
commit 31682e6c11debc4b2575d95bcf4809a11e274325
Author: Marc Stibane <marc@taler.net>
AuthorDate: Sat Oct 19 17:20:02 2024 +0200
iterate over balances
TalerWallet1/Model/Model+Exchange.swift | 63 ++++++----------------
.../Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeListView.swift | 59 +++++++-------------
.../Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeRowView.swift | 39 ++++++--------
.../Settings/Exchange/ExchangeSectionView.swift | 41 ++++++++------
4 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Model/Model+Exchange.swift
index 8bb2864..529f730 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Model/Model+Exchange.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Model/Model+Exchange.swift
@@ -87,34 +87,18 @@ struct Exchange: Codable, Hashable, Identifiable {
return nil
-struct ExchangeUrlItem: Codable, Hashable, Identifiable {
- var exchangeBaseUrl: String
- var id: String { exchangeBaseUrl }
// MARK: -
/// A request to list exchanges names for a currency
-fileprivate struct ListExchangesForScopedCurrency:
WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
- func operation() -> String { "listExchangesForScopedCurrency" }
- func args() -> Args { Args(scope: scope) }
- var scope: ScopeInfo
- struct Args: Encodable {
- var scope: ScopeInfo
- }
- struct Response: Decodable, Sendable {
- var exchanges: [ExchangeUrlItem] // list of Exchange names
- }
-/// A request to list exchanges.
fileprivate struct ListExchanges: WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
func operation() -> String { "listExchanges" }
- func args() -> Args { Args() }
- struct Args: Encodable {} // no arguments needed
+ func args() -> Args { Args(filterByScope: scope,
filterByExchangeEntryStatus: filterByStatus) }
+ var scope: ScopeInfo?
+ var filterByStatus: ExchangeEntryStatus?
+ struct Args: Encodable {
+ var filterByScope: ScopeInfo?
+ var filterByExchangeEntryStatus: ExchangeEntryStatus?
+ }
struct Response: Decodable { // list of known exchanges
var exchanges: [Exchange]
@@ -122,7 +106,6 @@ fileprivate struct ListExchanges:
WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
/// A request to get info for one exchange.
fileprivate struct GetExchangeByUrl: WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
- typealias Response = Exchange
func operation() -> String { "getExchangeEntryByUrl" }
func args() -> Args { Args(exchangeBaseUrl: exchangeBaseUrl) }
@@ -131,72 +114,69 @@ fileprivate struct GetExchangeByUrl:
WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
struct Args: Encodable {
var exchangeBaseUrl: String
+ typealias Response = Exchange
/// A request to update a single exchange.
fileprivate struct UpdateExchange: WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
- struct Response: Decodable {} // no result - getting no error back means
func operation() -> String { "updateExchangeEntry" }
// func args() -> Args { Args(scopeInfo: scopeInfo) }
func args() -> Args { Args(exchangeBaseUrl: exchangeBaseUrl) }
// var scopeInfo: ScopeInfo
var exchangeBaseUrl: String
struct Args: Encodable {
var exchangeBaseUrl: String
+ struct Response: Decodable {} // no result - getting no error back means
/// A request to add an exchange.
fileprivate struct AddExchange: WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
- struct Response: Decodable {} // no result - getting no error back means
func operation() -> String { "addExchange" } // addExchangeEntry
func args() -> Args { Args(exchangeBaseUrl: exchangeBaseUrl) }
var exchangeBaseUrl: String
struct Args: Encodable {
var exchangeBaseUrl: String
+ struct Response: Decodable {} // no result - getting no error back means
/// A request to delete an exchange.
fileprivate struct DeleteExchange: WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
- struct Response: Decodable {} // no result - getting no error back means
func operation() -> String { "deleteExchange" }
func args() -> Args { Args(exchangeBaseUrl: exchangeBaseUrl, purge: purge)
var exchangeBaseUrl: String
var purge: Bool
struct Args: Encodable {
var exchangeBaseUrl: String
var purge: Bool
+ struct Response: Decodable {} // no result - getting no error back means
/// A request to get info about a currency
fileprivate struct GetCurrencySpecification: WalletBackendFormattedRequest {
- struct Response: Codable, Sendable {
- let currencySpecification: CurrencySpecification
- }
func operation() -> String { "getCurrencySpecification" }
func args() -> Args { Args(scope: scope) }
var scope: ScopeInfo
struct Args: Encodable {
var scope: ScopeInfo
+ struct Response: Codable, Sendable {
+ let currencySpecification: CurrencySpecification
+ }
// MARK: -
extension WalletModel {
/// ask wallet-core for its list of known exchanges
- @MainActor func listExchangesForScopedCurrencyM(scope: ScopeInfo,
viewHandles: Bool = false)
- async -> [ExchangeUrlItem] { // M for MainActor
+ @MainActor func listExchangesM(scope: ScopeInfo?, filterByStatus:
ExchangeEntryStatus? = nil, viewHandles: Bool = false)
+ async -> [Exchange] { // M for MainActor
do {
- let request = ListExchangesForScopedCurrency(scope: scope)
+ let request = ListExchanges(scope: scope, filterByStatus:
filterByStatus) // .used, .preset
let response = try await sendRequest(request, ASYNCDELAY,
viewHandles: viewHandles)
return response.exchanges
} catch {
@@ -204,14 +184,6 @@ extension WalletModel {
- /// ask wallet-core for its list of known exchanges
- @MainActor func listExchangesM(devMode: Bool = false, viewHandles: Bool =
- async throws -> [Exchange] { // M for MainActor
- let request = ListExchanges()
- let response = try await sendRequest(request, ASYNCDELAY, viewHandles:
- return response.exchanges
- }
/// add a new exchange with URL to the wallet's list of known exchanges
func getExchangeByUrl(url: String, viewHandles: Bool = false)
async throws -> Exchange {
@@ -258,5 +230,4 @@ extension WalletModel {
formatter: CurrencyFormatter.formatter(scope: scope,
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeListView.swift
index 9373abf..c089f3e 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeListView.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeListView.swift
@@ -66,41 +66,22 @@ struct ExchangeListView: View {
// MARK: -
-struct ExchangeListCommonV {
+struct ExchangeListCommonV: View {
let symLog: SymLogV?
let stack: CallStack
@EnvironmentObject private var model: WalletModel
@EnvironmentObject private var controller: Controller
@AppStorage("myListStyle") var myListStyle: MyListStyle = .automatic
-// @AppStorage("depositIBAN") var depositIBAN = EMPTYSTRING
-// @AppStorage("accountHolder") var accountHolder = EMPTYSTRING
- @State private var exchanges: [Exchange] = []
- // source of truth for the value the user enters in currencyField for
exchange withdrawals
- @State private var amountToTransfer = Amount.zero(currency: EMPTYSTRING)
// TODO: Hold different values for different currencies?
- func reloadExchanges() async -> Void {
- if let exc = try? await model.listExchangesM() {
- withAnimation { exchanges = exc }
- }
- }
-// MARK: -
-extension ExchangeListCommonV: View {
var body: some View {
let _ = Self._printChanges()
let _ = symLog?.vlog() // just to get the # to compare it with
.onAppear & onDisappear
- let sortedExchanges = exchanges.sorted { $0 < $1 }
- let sortedList = List(sortedExchanges, id: \.self) { exchange in
+ let sortedList = List(controller.balances, id: \.self) { balance in
ExchangeSectionView(stack: stack.push(),
- exchange: exchange,
-// depositIBAN: $depositIBAN,
-// accountHolder: $accountHolder,
- amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer) //
does still have the wrong currency
+ balance: balance)
let emptyList = List {
@@ -118,9 +99,8 @@ extension ExchangeListCommonV: View {
- // TODO: Balances for amountAvailable for Deposit
Group {
- if exchanges.isEmpty {
+ if controller.balances.isEmpty {
} else {
@@ -131,25 +111,26 @@ extension ExchangeListCommonV: View {
.refreshable {
- await reloadExchanges()
+// await reloadExchanges()
+ NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .BalanceChange, object: nil,
userInfo: nil)
.onAppear() {
DebugViewC.shared.setViewID(VIEW_BANKING, stack: stack.push())
- .onNotification(.ExchangeAdded) { notification in
- // doesn't need to be received on main thread because we just
reload in the background anyway
- symLog?.log(".onNotification(.ExchangeAdded) ==> reloading
- Task { await reloadExchanges() } // runs on MainActor
- }
- .onNotification(.ExchangeDeleted) { notification in
- // doesn't need to be received on main thread because we just
reload in the background anyway
- symLog?.log(".onNotification(.ExchangeDeleted) ==> reloading
- Task { await reloadExchanges() } // runs on MainActor
- }
- .task {
- symLog?.log(".task")
- await reloadExchanges()
- }
+// .onNotification(.ExchangeAdded) { notification in
+// // doesn't need to be received on main thread because we just
reload in the background anyway
+// symLog?.log(".onNotification(.ExchangeAdded) ==> reloading
+// Task { await reloadExchanges() } // runs on MainActor
+// }
+// .onNotification(.ExchangeDeleted) { notification in
+// // doesn't need to be received on main thread because we just
reload in the background anyway
+// symLog?.log(".onNotification(.ExchangeDeleted) ==> reloading
+// Task { await reloadExchanges() } // runs on MainActor
+// }
+// .task {
+// symLog?.log(".task")
+// await reloadExchanges()
+// }
} // body
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeRowView.swift
index 0fe7bd3..bc33ee1 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeRowView.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeRowView.swift
@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ import SymLog
struct ExchangeRowView: View {
private let symLog = SymLogV(0)
let stack: CallStack
- @Binding var currencyInfo: CurrencyInfo
+ @Binding var currencyInfo: CurrencyInfo // this is the
currency to be used
let exchange: Exchange
- @Binding var amountToTransfer: Amount // does still have the wrong
@Environment(\.sizeCategory) var sizeCategory
@EnvironmentObject private var controller: Controller
@@ -30,26 +29,21 @@ struct ExchangeRowView: View {
let delay: UInt = 0
let baseURL = exchange.exchangeBaseUrl
- let showToS = LazyView {
- WithdrawTOSView(stack: stack.push(),
- exchangeBaseUrl: baseURL,
- acceptAction: nil) // pop back to here
- }
- Group {
- NavigationLink(destination: showToS) {
- VStack(alignment: .leading) {
- Text(baseURL.trimURL)
- .talerFont(.headline)
- if !minimalistic {
- Text("Terms of Service") // VIEW_WITHDRAW_TOS
- .talerFont(.body)
- }
- }
+ let rowView = VStack(alignment: .leading) {
+ Text(baseURL.trimURL)
+ .talerFont(.headline)
+ if !minimalistic {
+ Text("Terms of Service") // VIEW_WITHDRAW_TOS
+ .talerFont(.body)
- .listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+ let showToS = WithdrawTOSView(stack: stack.push(),
+ exchangeBaseUrl: baseURL,
+ acceptAction: nil) // pop back to here
+ Group {
+ NavigationLink(destination: showToS) { rowView }
+ }.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
// MARK: -
@@ -83,10 +77,7 @@ fileprivate struct ExchangeRow_Previews: PreviewProvider {
ageRestrictionOptions: [])
ExchangeRowView(stack: CallStack("Preview"),
currencyInfo: $currencyInfoL,
- exchange: exchange1,
-// depositIBAN: $depositIBAN,
-// accountHolder: $accountHolder,
- amountToTransfer: $amountToPreview)
+ exchange: exchange1)
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeSectionView.swift
index 82a9c29..da66985 100755
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeSectionView.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Settings/Exchange/ExchangeSectionView.swift
@@ -11,20 +11,17 @@ import SymLog
/// This view shows the currency name in an exchange section
/// currency
-/// [Deposit Coins] [Withdraw Coins]
struct ExchangeSectionView: View {
private let symLog = SymLogV(0)
let stack: CallStack
- let exchange: Exchange
-// let exchanges: [Exchange]
-// @Binding var depositIBAN: String
-// @Binding var accountHolder: String
- @Binding var amountToTransfer: Amount // does still have the wrong
+ let balance: Balance
@EnvironmentObject private var model: WalletModel
@EnvironmentObject private var controller: Controller
@AppStorage("minimalistic") var minimalistic: Bool = false
@AppStorage("hideSpendingHint") var hideSpendingHint: Bool = false
+ @State private var exchanges: [Exchange] = []
@State private var shouldReloadBalances: Int = 0
@State private var currencyInfo: CurrencyInfo = CurrencyInfo.zero(UNKNOWN)
@State private var didDelete: Bool = false
@@ -49,9 +46,20 @@ struct ExchangeSectionView: View {
// return nil
// }
+ private func viewDidLoad() async {
+ if let exc = try? await model.listExchangesM(scope: balance.scopeInfo)
+ withAnimation { exchanges = exc }
+ }
+ }
+ private func currencyTickerChanged(_ scopeInfo: ScopeInfo) async {
+ symLog.log("task \(didDelete ? 1 : 0)")
+ currencyInfo = controller.info(for: scopeInfo,
+ }
private func deleteExchange() {
disabled = true // don't try this more than once
Task { // runs on MainActor
+ if exchanges.count > 0 {
+ let exchange = exchanges[0]
let baseUrl = exchange.exchangeBaseUrl
if let _ = try? await model.deleteExchange(url: baseUrl, purge:
purge, viewHandles: !purge) {
purge = false
@@ -65,6 +73,7 @@ struct ExchangeSectionView: View {
showAlert = true
disabled = false
+ }
@@ -73,17 +82,16 @@ struct ExchangeSectionView: View {
let _ = Self._printChanges()
// let _ = symLog.vlog() // just to get the # to compare it with
.onAppear & onDisappear
- let scopeInfo = exchange.scopeInfo
+ let scopeInfo = balance.scopeInfo
let currency = scopeInfo.currency
// let currencyInfo = controller.info(for: currency,
Section {
-// ForEach(exchanges) { exchange in
+ ForEach(exchanges) { exchange in
ExchangeRowView(stack: stack.push(),
currencyInfo: $currencyInfo,
- exchange: exchange,
- amountToTransfer: $amountToTransfer) // does still have
the wrong currency
+ exchange: exchange)
-// }
+ }
if DEMOCURRENCY == currency {
let bankingHint = String(localized: "Since the demo bank
supports the Taler integration, you can start a withdrawal directly on the")
let linkTitle = String(localized: "LinkTitle_DEMOBANK",
defaultValue: "Demo Bank Website")
@@ -118,18 +126,17 @@ struct ExchangeSectionView: View {
showAlert = false
- }, message: { Text("You will loose all \(currency) of this
payment provider") }
- )
+ }, message: {
+ Text("You will loose all \(currency) of this payment provider")
+ })
} header: {
BarGraphHeader(stack: stack.push(),
scopeInfo: scopeInfo,
currencyInfo: $currencyInfo,
shouldReloadBalances: $shouldReloadBalances)
- .task(id: controller.currencyTicker) {
- symLog.log("task \(didDelete ? 1 : 0)")
- currencyInfo = controller.info2(for: currency,
- }
+ .task { await viewDidLoad() }
+ .task(id: controller.currencyTicker) { await
currencyTickerChanged(scopeInfo) }
.onDisappear() {
disabled = false
purge = false
To stop receiving notification emails like this one, please contact
- [taler-taler-ios] 70/204: Reorg, (continued)
- [taler-taler-ios] 70/204: Reorg, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 69/204: Reorg, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 73/204: Published balances, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 78/204: use info(for:scope), gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 85/204: ScopePicker, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 87/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 77/204: info2, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 75/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 80/204: scope from balance, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 79/204: -Binding, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 81/204: iterate over balances,
gnunet <=
- [taler-taler-ios] 82/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 90/204: Onboarding, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 100/204: Minimalistic date, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 93/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 103/204: add amount, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 76/204: CurrencySpecification, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 88/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 74/204: - currencyName, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 83/204: Comments, gnunet, 2024/12/05
- [taler-taler-ios] 89/204: cleanup, gnunet, 2024/12/05