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Re: [glob2-devel] music?

From: Quinn Yee Qin Teh
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] music?
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 20:13:12 +1000

Do we even need separate battle music? Or how about 2 versions of essentially the same score which are played at the same time but one is always muted? So that when battle starts the sound engine will switch or fade into the battle version of the score which would have been playing at the same part.

In any case, I think some new music would be great.


On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Kyle Lutze <address@hidden> wrote:
The current music has been around since alpha and was made by one of
nct's friends in a studio. The problem with making new music is that it
has to be able to easily transition between the different things, such
as the normal music -> battle music -> normal music without sounding
choppy. Otherwise, I believe we've been waiting for someone to make some
new music so we can do a jukebox in game.


Numbeast . wrote:
> While I'm not part of the Globulation dev team so I can't give you an
> official answer, I believe any efforts you can give to improve glob2's
> music would be greatly appreciated. So far there is no official
> campaign for glob2 so the main theme is still up for grabs, but
> personally I believe music which cultivates a tribal atmosphere would
> fit very well. Nothing involving drumming unless you want to make
> music for when combat is taking place, but possibly music which
> involves sounds from a forest.
> To be honest if you make great soundtracks for the game, that might
> inspire people to write campaigns that match its theme. My point is
> you have a lot of artistic freedom.
> Thanks in advance for any effort you put into helping out Globulation.
> On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Alokin Nollahwe
> <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
>     I've been playing globulation for a while, and it's a very cool game,
>     but it feels like the music is lacking a lot. I was wondering if I
>     could maybe write some tracks for it. I'm just not sure exactly what
>     the music should sound like. Anyways, here are some of my
>     non-electronic or rock songs, some of which might fit this game:
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