[glob2-devel] USL return Patch & Unit Testing Framework
Numbeast .
[glob2-devel] USL return Patch & Unit Testing Framework
Tue, 4 Aug 2009 23:16:14 -0700
Hello Globlation,
After a very brief conversation with giszmo3 I decided I would try tackling adding unit testing to Glob2. I started with libusl but quickly ran into a problem, USL provides no method of receiving the return value of a script. The value is dumped to cout but not saved for later. In order to test for the proper execution of scripts, it would be nice to know that a script returns (what the result of executing the last line is). I therefore made this small (2 additional lines) patch for intrepreter.cpp and intrepreter.h so that after USL step()s through a thread until it's state is state:STOP it saves the return value. After asking on irc i was told that this would be a good place to ask for this small diff to be committed (the diff is attached).
On another subject, after a little thought I decided to use Boost:Test as the testing framework. Your wiki says you don't want any extra dependencies but in your mailing lists there have been a few comments to the effect of if something makes programming simpler you'll accept it, and I believe using Boost:Test is much easier and faster than implementing your own library. You probably allready have it installed considering you use Boost:Thread. Any feedback on this choice would be greatly appreciated.