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Re: [glob2-devel] Globulation Lore v1.0

From: Leo Wandersleb
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Globulation Lore v1.0
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 15:01:08 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)


> It shows an idea of where globes come from, now you can make up your

it's globs, isn't it?

> around it. It's like when you write a campaign for a role play game (the
> real old ones^^), you create a big story and show the players the least
> they need to know, but when they ask you something you already have a
> consistent reply ready and also you can unveil more details in time,
> keeping him interested in what he s doing.

haha :) once played that kind of role playing games, too. One of the 3 times I
did, the "master" told us after 5h of playing that the original plan was to be
at that point in the story after some 10 minutes. It was great fun not knowing
the story and making up an own way through it ;)

Leo Wandersleb

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