On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 8:34 PM, Leo Wandersleb <
address@hidden> wrote:
> What I think might help, and I'm not knowledgeable to do this all myself,
> is
> rename glob2 instances in each compiled directory to glob2_beta1,
that should already been done (kind of). instead of cd-ing into the directory and run plain "glob2" i run beta1/src/glob2.
you can see this when you do a "ps -Alf". now you can kill by pid.
> Giszmo, your pretty handy with Linux shell scripts. Think this might be
> doable?
no time. but either it is simple (killall beta1/src/glob2 works) or it is doable to determin the right PID using grep and some tool i posted on the "automation of deb-package generation" where i isolate the substring of "hg identify".