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Re: [glob2-devel] Change a language from the preferences crash

From: Attila Horváth
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Change a language from the preferences crash
Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 12:09:42 +0200

Can you show us the console output?
Start a terminal screen from Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal, then type 'glob2' and hit enter.
Then, copy everything it displays and send here.
I am currently working on the Hungarian translation of the game, and I have Ubuntu 8.04, too (64 bit version instead of 32, though), but I have seen no problems regarding its language system yet.

2008/5/7 ahmad sayed <address@hidden>:
Hi team,

I need to complete the arabic translation in glob2,  I just checked out the tips for mercury, but any time I try to change the language even for English  glob2 crashes I have ubuntu 8.04 i386 installed under AMD 64.

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed

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